This is my running journal. I'm going to track my progress from now until I actually keep running and don't stop because there are way more interesting things to do. And actually run a race. Eventually. I'm gonna do it. Really. I am.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Should I really drink something that reacts this way to Mentos?

Brooke's comment on my previous post got me wondering what EXACTLY am I drinking?

The ingredients in Diet Coke are listed in order of greatest to least amount:

1. Carbonated Water (negligible cause of dental erosion)
Caramel Color (carmelized sugar)
Aspartame (CARCINOGENIC TOXIN, turns into formaldehyde once it digests in your body, took over 8 times and a change *ahem, cheaters* in the board of the FDA to finally get approved by the FDA)
Phosphoric Acid (It provides a "tangy" taste, and, being a mass-produced chemical, is available cheaply and in large quantities, used to acidify cola)
Potassium Benzoate (to protect taste. In combination with ascorbic acid (vitamin C), sodium and potassium benzoate may form benzene, a known carcinogen)
Natural Flavors (the essential oil, oleoresin, essence or extractive, protein hydrolysate, distillate, or any product of roasting, heating or enzymolysis, which contains the flavoring constituents derived from a spice, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable juice, edible yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf or any other edible portions of a plant, meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products, or fermentation products thereof, whose primary function in food is flavoring rather than nutritional.)
Citric Acid (Excessive consumption is capable of eroding the tooth enamel. Close contact to the eyes can cause a slight burning sensation, and may cause loss of sight.)
Caffeine (bitter white crystalline xanthine alkaloid that acts as a psychoactive stimulant drug and a mild diuretic)

But I still loooooove it. Sonic's Large Diet Coke with vanilla and extra ice (because Sonic has the BEST ice). $2.03 normally, $1.02 during Happy Hours 2-4 PM ~~Pure Bliss~~ Pure, rotten, carcinogenic, acidic, tangy, toxic bliss.

I'm going on 48 hours without one.......... *Sigh*........ no more legal psychoactive stimulants........


Anonymous said...

“Don’t believe the rumors – widely spread on the Internet – that aspartame … causes not only multiple sclerosis, but also lupus, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, Gulf War syndrome, and brain tumors. ”

-University of California, Berkeley Wellness Letter, April 1999

“I have no problem with information dissemination, even when it is wrong. But [this] has crossed the line. There is no evidence that aspartame in any way causes, provokes, mimics or worsens MS. This series of allegations are almost totally without foundation. They are rabidly inaccurate and scandalously misinformative.”

-David Squillacote, MD, Senior Medical Advisor for the Multiple Sclerosis

“There continues to be unsubstantiated claims that the nonnutritive sweetener aspartame (brand name NutraSweet) poses health risks to people with diabetes. Aspartame has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a governmental agency that conducts thorough scientific reviews to determine foods are safe for public consumption. The American Diabetes Association follows FDA recommendations and recognizes that there is no credible scientific evidence linking aspartame to any health-related problems for people with diabetes.”

-American Diabetes Association Statement, February 9, 1999

“MS and lupus have been around a lot longer than aspartame has, and repeated scientific studies have found no connection between the sweetener and such symptoms.”

-Associated Press, January 29, 1999

“This specimen of email scarelore, in wide circulation since mid-December 1998, warns that the artificial sweetener aspartame (a.k.a. "NutraSweet" and "Equal") is toxic to humans in a hundred different ways. It even coins a new medical term for these effects: ‘aspartame disease.’ Most of the allegations contradict the bulk of medical … but I would point out that the agency [FDA] has common sense and years of accumulated research on its side when it maintains that the sweetener is safe for most people. As to aspartame's critics, it doesn't help their cause that the information presented in the email is disorganized, hysterical and poorly substantiated.”

Unknown said...

brad you're a retard. thanks, though, for supporting me in drinking diet coke.

Ken Duck Geraths said...

Came here from one of your other blogs. But hey if you are a member of the LDS your not to have caffeine. not that I really care just a thought. Besides I have heard that LDS owns Coke. Hmmm.

Good luck on your run, Do you have a sponsor yet?

siovhan said...

i'm an addict. seriously. i drink so much of this.

and sonic does have the best ice. between a diet coke there and a strawberry-limeade with extra strawberries...oh my heck...i miss sonic.