This is my running journal. I'm going to track my progress from now until I actually keep running and don't stop because there are way more interesting things to do. And actually run a race. Eventually. I'm gonna do it. Really. I am.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

TTFDOR!!/ Bad, Heather, Bad

~~~Thank Goodness For Days-Of-Rest~~~

I accidentally slept in today. Good thing it's Thursday. Thursdays are a rest day on my 5k training schedule.

I always feel so LAZY on rest days. And even lazier now, since I slept in til 7. ("It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom.", Aristotle)

I work tonight from 6 to 10pm at Victoria's Secret . Now THERE's some motivation to work out. I'm going to come home and do some yoga/meditation and then go to bed so I can get UP tomorrow. (I've been working since 8 this morning, and going til 5)

I resolve now to actually get up when my alarm clock goes off at 6 AM. I WILL get up at 6 AM. Tracie, you WILL get up at 6 AM.

Just in case you didn't know, you, too can become an early riser and get up right away when your alarm clock goes off.

I would like to send an un-thank-you to Heather West who sent us home with extra carrot cake from Jessica's bridal shower... that was NOT good for someone who has no will-power when it comes to cakes covered in cream cheese frosting.


Bo said...

Props for deciding to run a marathon, that's awesome. I decided to run my first marathon too. I'll be running in the Honolulu Marathon in December. My training so far hasn't been what is should be but I'll try harder. I like your playlist too, there's some pretty good stuff on there. Good luck with the training, and good luck finding your ipod.
I am Bo

Shawna said...

It doesn't sound like you sleep much! However, I am very impressed by the sheer amount of energy you appear to have.