This is my running journal. I'm going to track my progress from now until I actually keep running and don't stop because there are way more interesting things to do. And actually run a race. Eventually. I'm gonna do it. Really. I am.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Staying Alive

I keep reading and hearing about super healthy people who die while running marathons. I know someone who knew someone really well (and super-healthy) who just dropped dead of a heart attack at the end of a recent marathon.

So, in the spirit of trying to stay alive for the Husband and the Baby, I am not going to run a marathon anymore.

However, a HALF-marathon is not out of the question, and seems do-able in my mind.

I am writing my goal down for running: run and finish the SLC Half-Marathon in April. If I don't write this down, I will never keep myself accountable. I want to run 2 5ks and a 10k before I take on the endeavor.

Thank you, Cristina for giving me motivation. Also, thank you, Baby, for putting my body out of shape and giving me even MORE motivation to run.

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